Benefit N ° 3 – CRM Hedge Fund: Get a 360° view of your investors

How can you achieve a 360° view?

A 360-degree view of a customer is a collection of all your customer data in one place. Let’s discover 2 main CRM features that enable this 360° view:

1. Client Reporting & Document ManagementDocument Management

With increasing sophisticated requirements from investors, fund managers are required to deliver personalised and tailored investment reports. As Asset managers increase their institutional investor base (e.g., pension funds) then the complexity of the reporting increases.

The need to store documents across the investor and investment lifecycle, including client reports, attribution and risk reports and so on.

Firms want to centralise the document storage, control versioning, manage both the structured data (e.g., performance) as well as unstructured (e.g., fund manager commentary) and they need to see all this information against an investor record.

2. Single Investor View, Insight & DashboardsCRM Hedge Fund - Dashboard

The ability to see a single Investor and underlying holdings. CRM Hedge Fund can provide the integration layer across back-office systems (integration or view).

This is what is often called the “single point of entry”, which is to say that your CRM becomes the “authoritative source of data” the place where people go to see client data with confidence.

360º view with CRM: available here

As we have seen, obtaining a 360° view is a difficult task, but not impossible with the right tools. In other words, obtaining information that facilitates the buying/selling process is the winning card. Steve Job used to say that you should start with the customer experience and then work on the technology.

Based on this, the same applies to our work, as we seek to make CRM an authoritative source of data. In other words, it is about implementing a management model for every organization, based on customer satisfaction.

Are you interested in having a 360° view to obtain better results in your company? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Asklogix

Asklogix is a CRM software vendor, based on the Salesforce platform, designed for Financial Services.

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